A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artifacts of unknown origin. They discover that their German enemies already have a ship there. When they seek their help after a failed landing, they only find the Germans’ bodies, obviously slaughtered by one of the archaic creatures, awoken to new life. Now the alien is after them.
Watch Creature 1985 Full Movie Free Online Streaming Tubi Now the creature that killed them hunts the new arrivals Register Sign In Add to My List Share Creature 1985 1 hr 39 min R SciFi Action Horror Scientists reach a remote planet only to find their rivals got there first and are dead Now the creature that killed them hunts the new arrivals DIRECTOR William Malone STARRING Klaus Kinski Wendy Schaal COMPANY About Us Is Creature 1985 movie streaming on Netflix After landing on Saturns largest moon an American exploration team becomes the prey of a vicious alien creature intent on killing them all Is Creature 1985 movie streaming on Netflix Skip to content Creature 1985 full length movie Misty Brews Creature Feature What Waits Below 1985 Full Movie Episode 22688 Duration 15127 Misty Brews Creature Feature Show 49346 views 15127
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