A secret service agent is framed as the mole in an assassination attempt on the president. He must clear his name and foil another assassination attempt while on the run from a relentless FBI agent.
The Sentinel Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released April 21st 2006 The Sentinel stars Michael Douglas Kiefer Sutherland Eva Longoria Martin Donovan The PG13 movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 48 min and received a score of out of regarder5820TheSentinelavi Videa Az regarder5820TheSentinelavi című videót purevid nevű felhasználó töltötte fel az filmanimáció kategóriába Eddig 1328 alkalommal nézték meg Watch The Sentinel Online Stream Full Movie DIRECTV Watch The Sentinel starring Michael Douglas in this ActionAdventure on DIRECTV Its available to watch on TV El agente del Servicio Secreto Pete Garrison Michael Douglas investiga el homicidio de un colega y posteriormente se convierte en sospechoso debido a los planes de un chantajista que conoce el secreto que guarda Deshonrado despedido y ahora convertido en fugitivo Garrison debe
The Sentinel 2006 IMDb Directed by Clark Johnson With Michael Douglas Kiefer Sutherland Kim Basinger Eva Longoria A Secret Service agent is framed as the mole in an assassination attempt on the President He must clear his name and foil another assassination attempt while on the run from a Secret Service Protective Intelligence Division agent The Sentinel Full Movie 2006 YouTube Skip navigation The Sentinel Film RaiPlay The Sentinel Italia 103 min Lagente segreto Pete Garrison capo della sorveglianza della First Lady americana viene ingiustamente accusato di partecipare a un complotto per eliminare la coppia presidenziale Ma Pete fugge e avvia unindagine personale per sventare lattentato e riscattarsi dallaccusa di tradimento Vai al titolo Condividi Twitter Facebook Instagram Rai The Sentinel Full Movie 2006 YouTube These videos show my appreciation and to help introduce in order to watch these fullHD and complete The Sentinel 2006 FullHD Movie The Sentinel 2006 FullHD Movie The Sentinel 2006 FullHD
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