Documentary about jazz great Chet Baker that intercuts footage from the 1950s, when he was part of West Coast Cool, and from his last years. We see the young Baker, he of the beautiful face, in California and in Italy, where he appeared in at least one movie and at least one jail cell (for drug possession). And, we see the aged Baker, detached, indifferent, his face a ruin. Includes interviews with his children and ex-wife, women companions, and musicians.
Chet Baker Lets Get Lost 1988 Watchrs Club Chet Baker Lets Get Lost Release Date September 15 1988 Year 1988 Slogan Genres Music Documentary Production Companies Director Bruce Weber Producers Writers RunTime 120 mins Documentary about jazz great Chet Baker that intercuts footage from the 1950s when he was part of West Coast Cool and from his last years We see the young Baker he of the beautiful Lets Get Lost 1988 IMDb Directed by Bruce Weber With Chet Baker Carol Baker Vera Baker Paul Baker Documentary on the life of jazz trumpeter and drug addict Chet Baker Fascinating series of interviews with friends family associates and lovers interspersed with film from Bakers earlier life and some modernday performances Lets Get Lost 1988 Nabill Videoz Lets Get Lost 1988 Nabill Videoz_Documentary on the life of jazz trumpeter and drug addict Chet Baker Fascinating series of interviews with friends family Lets Get Lost Documentary Film 1988
1988FLEA in Lets Get Lostwmv Lets Get Lost 1988 Chet Baker en Cannes 87 Just Friends Duration 308 José López Pizarro 11710 views 308 How Flea Paul McCartney and Mike Dirnt Write Their Basslines Basslines Watch Lets Get Lost 1989 Full Movie Free Online Winner of the 1989 Critics Prize at the Venice Film Festival and nominated for an Academy Award Lets Get Lost has become an important document in the career of the filmmaker on the life of a jazz legend Since its release in 1989 Lets Get Lost has introduced a whole new generation of jazz enthusiasts to the timeless talent of the late Chet Baker Lets Get Lost 1988 film Wikipedia Lets Get Lost is a 1988 American documentary film about the turbulent life and career of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker written and directed by Bruce WeberThe title is derived from the song Lets Get Lost by Jimmy McHugh and Frank Loesser from the 1943 film Happy Go Lucky which Baker recorded for Pacific Records Amazon Watch Lets Get Lost Prime Video Lets Get Lost 118 IMDb 79 1h all of it revealing the man himself Not a pretty picture parts of the movie are too prurient for my taste vitriolic former admirers and so on but I still recommend it This is good glimpse into Chets life if your new to him Some people are put off by his character flaws but hell compared to William S Burrough another junky Chets a choir boy Read
My quest for Lets get lost Chet Baker by Bruce Weber Lets Get Lost 1988 is a American documentary film about the turbulent life and career of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker written and directed by Bruce Weber I saw Lets Get Lost in Leuven I guess around 1990 Chet Baker has been a weak spot for me ever since because I now knew how much suffering was hiding behind that vulnerable voice Lets Get Lost Chet Baker 1988 Chet Baker Free Lets Get Lost Chet Baker 01 Moon amp Sand William Engvick Alec Wilder Morty Palitz 530 02 Imagination Jimmy Van Heusen Johnny Burke 452 03 Youre My Thrill Way Gorney Sidney Clare 459 04 For Heavens Sake Don Meyer Elise Bretton Sherwin Edwards 451 05 Every Time We Say Goodbye Cole Porter 448 Lets Get Lost 1988 CHET BAKER Lets Get Lost is a 1988 American documentary film about the turbulent life and career of jazz trumpeter Chet Baker written and directed by Bruce Weber Regarder Lets Get Lost en streaming complet et légal Lets get lost est un formidable portrait du célèbre trompettiste chanteur de jazz CHET BAKER décédé à lâge de 58 ans en 1988 A travers les témoignages de ses proches grâce à des extraits de films à des concerts filmés on découvre un homme extraordinairement beau virtuose inspiré novateur allant de succès en succès
Lets Get Lost 1988 Online Película Completa en Puedes ver Lets Get Lost película completa en nuestra guía cinematográfica Documental sobre la vida del trompetista y cantante estadounidense de jazz Chet Baker dirigido por el famoso fotógrafo Bruce Weber Chet Baker fue una de las figuras más destacadas del mundo de la música del siglo XX Lets get lost surge de la gigante fascinación de Weber por este genio del jazz Chet Baker Lets Get Lost 1988 The Movie Database TMDb Now Streaming Watch Now Chet Baker Lets Get Lost 1988 09151988 CA Music Documentary 2h User Score Play Trailer Overview Documentary about jazz great Chet Baker that intercuts footage from the 1950s when he was part of West Coast Cool and from his last years We see the young Baker he of the beautiful face in California and in Italy where he appeared in at least one movie and Amazon Lets Get Lost Chet Baker Bruce Weber Bruce Webers documentary on jazz artist Chet Baker was nominated for an Academy Award And for good reason Webers gift for gorgeous black and white photography made him famous Weber found the perfect subject in Baker a remarkably photogenic figure The film is lovely to behold You could turn off the sound and just watch the images Chet Baker IMDb Chet Baker Soundtrack The Sixth Sense Chet Baker started his career in the late forties He became famous with the Gerry Mulligan Quartet in 1952 His solo in My funny valentine is a classic of the west coast jazz in the fifties When Mulligan was arrested in 1953 Chet led the group until 1955 when he went to Europe He also sang on many records