Kit and her best friend, Libby, are two teenage girls bored while baby-sitting. To pass the time, they make prank phone calls, telling the person on the other end of the line, "I saw what you did, and I know who you are!" It's all in good fun, until they call a man who just murdered his wife and buried her in the woods. Convinced they actually do know his secret, he becomes determined to find out who they are and silence them forever.
Watch I Saw What You Did 1965 Online Movie Full HD Movie Title I Saw What You Did Also Known As I Saw What You Did and I Know Who You Are Movie Description Teenagers Libby and Kit innocently spend an evening doing random prank callsThese calls lead to murderous consequences Cast Joan Crawford John Ireland Leif Erickson Tagline Dont laugh little girl better run for your lifeThe man you were talking to has just murdered his wife I Saw What You Did 1988 Full Movie Feat Candace Cameron I Saw What You Did is an American madefortelevision thrillerhorror film starring Candace Cameron from the hit television series Full House If youd like to make a donation to the channel it I Saw What You Did Topic YouTube I Saw What You Did is a 1965 American thriller film released by Universal Pictures and starring Joan Crawford and John Ireland The plot follows two teenage
I Saw What You Did TV Movie 1988 IMDb Directed by Fred Walton With Shawnee Smith Tammy Lauren Candace Cameron Bure Robert Carradine A group of pranksters unintentionally get the attention of a serial killer who soon starts targeting them I Saw What You Did 1965 Rotten Tomatoes With true William Castlestyle flamboyance the advertisements for I Saw What You Did intrigued nonetymologically inclined audiences by warning them that this suspenseful thriller was about uxoricide I SAW WHAT YOU DID 1965 Bluray DVD DriveIn Shouts Scream Factory line has released Universals I SAW WHAT YOU DID on Bluray the 1965 shocker from producerdirector William Castle written by William P McGivern based on Ursula Curtiss novel Out of the Dark starring Joan Crawford John Ireland Leif Erickson Sharyl Locke Patricia Breslin John Archer John Crawford Joyce Meadows and introducing Sara Lane and Andi Garrett A financial disappointment following Castles and Crawfords successful 1964 outing STRAIT Amazon I Saw What You Did Joan Crawford William I can also watch this movie before bed and still sleep Read more 4 people found this helpful Helpful Comment Report abuse Joker 50 out of 5 stars Great movie for a cold lonely night Reviewed in the United States on January 12 2016 Verified Purchase I dont want to give away the plot Youll have to see what director William Castle did I Saw What You Did 1965 stars Joan Crawford
I Saw What You Did 1965 MovieMeternl I Saw What You Did bevat een aantal overduidelijke Hitchcockverwijzingen voor de duidelijkheid werd ook de douchekop even een paar keer in beeld gebracht maar toch heeft William Castle ook zijn heel eigen stijl die hij naar de film brengt Gimmicks waren er hier niet zoveel het was meer de telefoon waar alles omdraaide De film is eigenlijk een samenvoeging van drie genres de onbezorgde I Saw What You Did 1965 Horror Movie I Saw What You Did 1965 Horror Movie I Saw What You Did 1965 Horror Movie I Saw What You Did 1965 R 1h 22min Horror Thriller Comedy 534 10 Movie Poster Movie Trailer This video can be viewed on YouTube Report broken video wrong video Advertisement I Saw What You Did 1965 Release Dates In Theaters March 04 2016 DVD May 01 2016 I Saw What You Did 1965 I Saw What You Did 1965 IMDb Directed by William Castle With Joan Crawford John Ireland Leif Erickson Sara Lane Teenagers Libby and Kit innocently spend an evening making random prank calls These calls lead to murderous consequences I Saw What You Did 1965 Where to Watch It Streaming But somebody else knows of the terrible crime that was committed that night the killers desperately amorous neighbor Amy NelsonI Saw What You Did featuring Joan Crawford and John Ireland is not currently available to stream rent or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates Its a horror and mystery movie with an average IMDb audience rating of 63 2500 votes
I Saw What You Did 1965 I Saw What You Did and I Know Who I Saw What You Did 1965 stars Joan Crawford Leif Erickson John Ireland Joyce Meadows Andi Garrett and Sarah Lane This is a low budget blackandwhite highly suspenseful camp horror classic Joan Crawford starred in a string of quality camp horror movies in the 1960s Whatever Happened To Baby Jane 1962 StraitJacket 1964 I Saw What You Did 1965 and Berserk 1967 This I Saw What You Did Joan Crawford 1965 Official Trailer HD Teenagers Libby and Kit have found a new way to entertain themselves by calling up random strangers and tormenting them with a warning I saw what you did and I know who you are But when I Saw What You Did Fandango Awards Watch Indie Movie Guide Family Guide House Of Screams Weekend Ticket My VIP Account Join FandangoVIP Buy Movies Get Movies Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy Rack up 500 points and youll score a 5 reward for more movies Learn more Insider Perks Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home exclusive movie gear access to advanced screenings and discounts I Saw What You Did Wikipedia I Saw What You Did is a 1965 American thriller film released by Universal Pictures and starring Joan Crawford and John IrelandThe plot follows two teenage girls who find themselves in serious danger after making a prank phone call to a man who just murdered his wife