Matt Sullivan's last big relationship ended in disaster and ever since his heart's been aching and his commitment's been lacking. Then came Lent, that time of year when everybody gives something up. That's when Matt decides to go where no man's gone before and make a vow: No sex. Whatsoever. For 40 straight days. At first he has everything under control. That is until the woman of his dreams, Erica, walks into his life.
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Watch 40 Days and 40 Nights Full Movie video dailymotion Movie Synopsis When easyontheeyes Matt Sullivan is dumped by his girlfriend he swears off all sex for Lent which lasts 40 days and 40 nights But his abstinence is tested when he meets beautiful and sexy Erica Sutton Feeling like hes doomed if he doesnt stick to his plan he struggles to resist the girl of his dreams 40 Days and 40 Nights Full Subtitle All Country Worldwide 40 Days and 40 Nights Online Video SBS Movies The Movie Show reviews 40 Days and 40 NightsThe Movie Show Episode 10 2002 AIRED ON 4 May 2002 EXPIRES ON 31 December 2030 Film Advertisement Editors Picks 27 Mar 2020 1147am Best 40 Days and 40 Nights Netflix Netflix Watch TV Shows Hes sworn off sex for 40 days just as he meets the perfect woman Hes in for the test of his life Watch trailers amp learn more Netflix Netflix UNLIMITED TV SHOWS amp MOVIES TRY 30 DAYS FREE SIGN IN 40 Days and 40 Nights 2002 R 1h 35m Romantic Movies Reeling from a rough breakup a web designer pledges celibacy for Lent but his vow gets tested when he meets a compelling stranger 40 Days and 40 Nights Movie Trailer 46 videos Play all 40 Days and 40 Nights 2002 Full Movie Nahajayauahahaja Juhauahahajakaja Legally Blonde 1011 Movie CLIP Hes Gay 2001 HD Duration 256