Bernard Bottle, a mild mannered art buyer, is fired by his greedy boss, abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle. The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side.
Bernard and the Genie 1991 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Bernard and the Genie 1991 Christmas nears and art dealer Bernard Alan Cumming is having the worst day of his life his lover leaves Bernard and the Genie 1991 Full Movie YouTube Bernard and the Genie full English Full Movie Bernard and the Genie full Full Movie Bernard and the Genie full Full Movie Streaming Bernard and the Genie Full Movie EngSub Watch Bernard and the Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 Goofs IMDb Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 Goofs on IMDb Mistakes Errors in geography Spoilers and more Menu Movies Release Calendar DVD amp Bluray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes amp Tickets Showtimes amp Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight TV Shows Whats on TV amp Streaming Whats on TV
Bernard and the Genie Stream and Watch Online Moviefone Released December 13th 1992 Bernard and the Genie stars Lenny Henry Alan Cumming Rowan Atkinson John Gabriel The movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 10 min and received a score of out of Bernard and the Genie 1991 directed by Paul Weiland Bernard and the Genie 1991 Directed by Paul Weiland Synopsis Bernard Bottle a mild mannered art buyer is fired by his greedy boss abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side Cast Crew Details Genres Cast Lenny Henry Alan Cumming Rowan Atkinson John Gabriel Kevin Allen Denis Lill Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 Connections IMDb Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 Connections on IMDb Referenced in Featured in Spoofed and more Menu Movies Release Calendar DVD amp Bluray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes amp Tickets Showtimes amp Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight TV Shows Whats on TV amp Streaming Whats on TV Bernard And The Genie Movie Reviews and Movie Ratings Check out the exclusive TVGuide movie review and see our movie rating for Bernard And The Genie Join Sign Up Keep track of your favorite shows and movies across all your devices
BBC1 Continuity 23th December 1991 Bernard and The Genie 2000 BBC1 continuity between Only Fools And Horses and the first TV showing of Bernard and The Genie at 2000 on Monday 23rd December 1991 Found on an old VHS tape Bernard And The Genie 1991 on Vimeo This is Bernard And The Genie 1991 by Chris Eyre on Vimeo the home for high quality videos and the people who love them Bernard and the Genie 1991 The two headed spy1958Jack HawkinsGia ScalaEric SchumanFelix Aylmer Duration 13333 Hynu Choco Recommended for you Bernard and the Genie 1991 Where to Watch It Streaming The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the sideBernard and the Genie featuring Lenny Henry and Alan Cumming is not currently available to stream rent or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates Its a comedy and drama movie with a better than average IMDb audience rating of 75 1355 votes
Bernard and the Genie Wikipedia Bernard and the Genie is a 1991 British fantasy comedydrama television film directed by Paul Weiland and written by Richard CurtisCoproduced by Attaboy and Talkback for BBC Television the film was first shown on BBC1 on 23 December 1991 A comic fantasy that takes its inspiration from The Book of One Thousand and One Nights it follows Alan Cumming as an art dealer who is not having a good Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 IMDb Directed by Paul Weiland With Lenny Henry John Gabriel Alan Cumming Rowan Atkinson Bernard Bottle a mild mannered art buyer is fired by his greedy boss abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side Bernard and the Genie TV Movie 1991 Trivia IMDb Bernard and the Genie is a 1991 fantasy comedy drama TV movie from writer Richard Curtis and the TV movie stars Alan Cumming stars as a art dealer whom is unfairly dismissed from his job by his corrupt employer Rowan Atkinson and has his heartbroken when he is dumped by his unfaithful girlfriend and he frees a genie Lenny Henry from a 2000yearold magic lamp whom grants him unlimited Bernard and the Genie 1991 The Movie Database TMDb Now Streaming Watch Now Bernard and the Genie 1991 PG 12131992 US Drama Comedy Fantasy TV Movie 1h 10m User Score Overview Bernard Bottle a mild mannered art buyer is fired by his greedy boss abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side