Based upon the final confession of Adolf Eichmann, made before his execution in Israel, of his role in Hitler's plan for the final solution.
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Eichmann Film 2007 Moviepilot Eichmann ist ein Biopic aus dem Jahr 2007 von Robert Young mit Thomas Kretschmann Troy Garity und Franka Potente Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Eichmann Der Film basiert neben dem Amazon Watch Eichmann Prime Video Stream instantly Details Format Prime Video streaming online video Devices Available to watch on supported devices Other formats DVD from 852 Bluray 1412 gt Customer reviews 37 out of 5 stars 37 out of 5 263 customer ratings 5 star 43 4 star 16 3 star 21 2 star 3 1 star 17 How does Amazon calculate star ratings Top Reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now Eichmann 2007 IMDb Directed by Robert Young With Avner W Less Thomas Kretschmann Troy Garity Franka Potente Based upon the final confession of Adolf Eichmann made before his execution in Israel as he accounts to Captain Avner Less a young Israeli police officer of his past as the architect of Hitlers plan for the fFnal Solution Captured by intelligence operatives in Argentina 15 years after World War Eichmann Film 2007 Trailer Kritik KINO