A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court. He "proves his love" (more like his masculinity) to her by playing rugby against her ex-boyfriend.
Regarder le Film Puddle Cruiser 1996 en Streaming VF Par Gaillou Guertin À ce moment notre utilisateur peut Regarder Gratuitement le Film Puddle Cruiser en Format HD via le blog Plus que de présenter des films en streaming Notre site web informons également les informations précieuses cinématographique et la sélection de telechargement pour ceux dentre vous dentre vous qui souhaitent garder des vidéo afin que notre client pouvant Watch Puddle Cruiser 1996 123movies Watch Movies and Puddle Cruiser A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court He Search Download App After you watch Puddle Cruiser stream another full movie Coming soon Disclaimer Cartoon HD does not store any streaming content on its server Videos are provided by nonaffiliated 3rd parties Follow Cartoon HD on various social networks for Puddle Cruiser 1996 Netflix US Watch Puddle Cruiser Full Movie HD Quality Puddle Cruiser Full movies is also available to watch with your country subtitles Enjoy with your family in your house Click Here to Stream gtgt Streaming Puddle Cruiser Full Movie on Netflix US A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court He proves his love more like his masculinity to her by
Puddle Cruiser Film 1996 Moviepilot Puddle Cruiser ist ein Romantische Komödie aus dem Jahr 1996 von Jay Chandrasekhar mit Jay Chandrasekhar Kevin Heffernan und Steve Lemme Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Puddle Cruiser Puddle Cruiser Want to watch this again later Sign in to add this video to a playlist Movie HD Duration 223 Movieclips Classic Trailers 231103 views 223 The Slammin Salmon Meat Drapes Puddle Cruiser 1996 Jay Chandrasekhar Synopsis Puddle Cruiser was the first feature from the Colgate Universityspawned comedy troupe Broken Lizard who produced the film independently The film was well received at several festivals including the 1996 Sundance Film Festival but failed to find a distributor The troupe took the film on an innovative national college tour selling tickets and building wordofmouth Broken Lizards Puddle Cruiser 1996 Jay Chandrasekhar Releases Watch or buy on MPAA Rating R Flags Adult Humor Questionable for Children Sexual Situations Category Feature Produced by Broken Lizard Submit Corrections Photo Gallery Puddle Cruiser 1996 Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar Genres Comedy Romance SubGenres Romantic Comedy Run Time 102 min Countries United States MPAA Rating R AllMovie Rating 4 User Ratings 0
Puddle Cruiser 1996 Movie Moviefone Streaming amp DVD Movies Showtimes amp Tickets Videos News Puddle Cruiser 1996 TMDb Score 57 R 1 hr 42 min Jan 1st 1996 Romance Comedy A student falls in love with a fellow student who is Puddle Cruiser 1996 Where to Watch Online Official Puddle Cruiser 1996 is a comedy drama movie starring Jay Chandrasekhar and Kevin Heffernan It is directed by Jay Chandrasekhar A student falls in love with a fellow student Puddle Cruiser Online 1996 Movie Yidio Watch Puddle Cruiser Online Puddle Cruiser the 1996 Movie Trailers Videos and more at Yidio Puddle Cruiser 1996 Where to Watch It Streaming Online He proves his love more like his masculinity to her by playing rugby against her exboyfriendPuddle Cruiser featuring Jay Chandrasekhar and Kevin Heffernan is not currently available to stream rent or buy but you can add it to your want to see list for updates Its a comedy and drama movie with an average IMDb audience rating of 56
Puddle Cruiser 1996 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers Puddle Cruiser is more of your typical 90s teen movie a little bit of comedy a little bit of romance some coming of age themes and someone gets beaten up That formula runs through the film Puddle Cruiser 1996 IMDb Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar With Jay Chandrasekhar Kevin Heffernan Steve Lemme Paul Soter A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court He proves his love more like his masculinity to her by playing rugby against her exboyfriend Puddle Cruiser 1996 News IMDb The outlandish American comedy troupe Broken Lizard has been making movies since 1996s college laffer Puddle Cruiser But their 2001 cop comedy Super Troopers is by far their most popular having been accepted as a contemporary cult classic Puddle Cruiser Movie Watch on Kodi Where and how to watch Puddle Cruiser movie on Kodi Add it to Trakt here Home New TV New Movies Builds Addons Safe Addons APKTime Tech Premium Sports Zone Search YouTube Disclaimer Trakt Home New TV New Movies Builds Addons Safe Addons APKTime Sports Zone Hardware Premiums YouTube Kodi VPN Trakt Puddle Cruiser Runtime 102 mins Comedy Romance Vote Rating 5