The film follows Jack Hopkins (played by Michael Craig), an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines. His boss (played by Cecil Parker) is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher (Alan Hale, Jr.). The first encounter between Fisher and Jack goes badly, and tensions only heighten after Fisher's daughter Kathy (Anne Helm) damages Jack's prize traction engine "The Iron Maiden", rendering it impossible to drive solo. Jack is desperate to enter the annual Woburn Abbey steam rally with the machine, but his fireman is injured and unable to participate. When all seems lost the millionaire himself is won over by Jack's plight and joins him in driving the engine; the two soon become firm friends.
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The Iron Maiden 1963 The Movie Database TMDb The Iron Maiden 1963 15 06071963 GB Comedy 1h 38m User Score Its a Train and a Comedy Overview The film follows Jack Hopkins played by Michael Craig an aircraft designer with a passion for traction engines His boss played by Cecil Parker is eager to sell a new supersonic jet plane that Jack has designed to American millionaire Paul Fisher Alan Hale Jr The first encounter BSEPS presents the making of The Iron Maiden Film The theme of the Bedford Steam Engine Preservation Societys BSEPS annual Steam amp Country Fayre for 2011 was a celebration of the 1962 film The Iron Maiden which was made in the local area The Swingin Maiden 1963 IMDb Directed by Gerald Thomas With Michael Craig Anne Helm Jeff Donnell Alan Hale Jr An American airline firm plans to buy a new British passenger plane but the deal hits trouble when the planes designer Jack Hopkins Michael Craig and Kathy Fisher Anne Helm the daughter of the Airline owner take an instant dislike to each other after crashing into each other in a quiet country lane The Iron Maiden Steam Traction Engine The story about a steam traction engine owner This feature is not available right now Please try again later
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