Minnie is baking cookies. When she leaves for a short while, her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough. Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi. When Mickey notices that something is burning, Minnie remembers the cookies, which are popping popcorn out of them. Minnie is upset and lies on her sofa crying. Mickey goes out and buys a large amount of cookies and crackers. He comes back and shows them to her and she is overjoyed. The short was originally a theatrical advertisement for the National Biscuit Company (now known as Nabisco), where all of the products seen are various Nabisco products (i.e. Ritz Crackers, Oreo Cookies, Fig Newtons, etc.). These would later be edited out and replaced with generic-brands in television broadcasts and home video releases.
Mickeys Surprise Party Full Movie YouTube Watch Mickeys Surprise Party Full Movie IN HD Visit httpgethdmoviesclubmovie117653 Minnie is baking cookies When she leaves for a short while he Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 Mickey Mouse HD Plot Minnie Mouse has some trouble baking cookies but Mickey Mouse saves the day FYI If you didnt notice this is an advertisement for Nabisco made by Walt Disney Information Release Date Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 Cast and Crew AllMovie Find movie and film cast and crew information for Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 on AllMovie
Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 New York Worlds Fair Worlds Fair Movies 1 Worlds Fair Movies 2 Medicus Mickeys Surprise Party Synopsis from Wikia Minnie bakes cookies to impress Mickey Just as she leaves however her dog Fifi accidentally knocks popcorn into her batter while chasing a fly Minnie none the wiser puts the batter in the oven Minnie then prepares for the visit as does Fifi Mickey and Pluto then arrive Minnie Mickey MouseMinnie MousePluto Mickeys Surprise Party Subscribe My Channel for More amp New Cartoon videos httpsgooglUgQckA You will find nice cartoon videos Cartoon for kids Cartoon for children Disney MoviesMovies For KidsAnimation WatchMickeys Surprise Party Movie Online ruishimonokoć® Free Download Mickeys Surprise Party FullHD Full Movie Title Mickeys Surprise Party Release Date 19390218 Language English Genre Animation Runtime 5 Min Country United States of America Production Companies Walt Disney Productions Rating 59 of 20 votes Casts Walt Disney Marcellite Garner Pinto Colvig Hamilton Luske Ollie Johnston Walt Kelly W Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 IMDb Directed by Hamilton Luske With Walt Disney Marcellite Garner Clarence Nash Minnie is baking cookies When she leaves for a short while her dog Fifi accidentally drops popcorn kernels in the dough Mickey and Pluto come over and visit with Minnie and Fifi When Mickey notices that something is burning Minnie remembers the cookies which are popping popcorn out of them
Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 Watch Queue Queue Watch Queue Queue Remove all Disconnect The next video is starting stop Loading Watch Queue Queue __count____total__ Find out why Close Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 Watch Mickeys Surprise Party on Video You can watch this cartoon today on your computer Just click below to start viewing Mickeys Surprise Party online now Thank you for viewing Mickeys Surprise Party on video Mickeys Surprise Party film D23 Mickeys Surprise Party film Cartoon commercial starring Minnie and Fifi made for the National Biscuit Co for showing at the New York Worlds Fair Delivered on February 18 1939 Fifi interferes with Minnies cooking but Mickey saves the day by his purchase of Nabisco cookies Mickeys Surprise Party Disney Wiki Fandom Mickeys Surprise Party is a short that debuted in 1939 at the New York Worlds Fair as a promotional short for Nabisco Since then it has often been edited to suit the snack products in question It is also notably the first cartoon to feature Mickey and Minnies 1939 redesigns Minnie bakes cookies to impress Mickey Just as she leaves however her dog Fifi accidentally knocks popcorn
Mickey Mouse Cartoon Mickeys Surprise Party video 1939Mickey MouseMinnie MousePluto Mickeys Surprise Party Ridiculous Cartoon films from the Company Disney in High quality We subscribe for the channel MICKEY MOUSE Minnie Mouse Donald Duck Pluto Classic Color Cartoon 004 The Little Whirlwind 820 Mickeys Garden 1658 Mickeys Surprise Party 2203 Subscribe to the channel and put Like mickey mouse cartoons full episodes disney Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 AZ Movies Mickeys Surprise Party 1939 Genre Animation Release Date 19390218 User Rating 59 10 from 20 ratings Runtime 0h 5min Language English Production Company Walt Disney Productions Production Country United States of America Director Hamilton Luske star 59 From 20 Ratings 66 Summary Minnie is baking cookies When she leaves for a short while her dog Fifi accidentally Mickey S Surprise Party 1939 Full Movie streaming Click Here httpshdcinemaflix Mickey S Surprise Party 1939 Full Movie streaming DOWNLOAD Related search K3 In Wonderland 2004 Full Movie strea Mickys Surprise Party Micky Mouse Full Episode Watch Mickys Surprise Party Micky Mouse Full Episode Comments are turned off Learn more Autoplay When autoplay is enabled a suggested video will automatically play next Up next A Mickey